池田賢子 油絵 風景画ホームページ

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Welcome to Satoko Ikeda oil painting works site

2年半のイギリス生活を終えて日本に家族で本帰国いたします。帰国前に展覧会をいたします。子供も大歓迎です。みなさんぜひお越しください。 池田賢子
Blockley St. George's Hall GL56 9BY, Sunday 16th October 2016, 1:30-5:00pm. children,adults all welcome, Please join us with friends, family!!! homephone 01386 700440



last exhibiton at local 2010 前回の展覧会の様子







2011年、2012年GW、2014年秋、2015年春、生徒さんや希望者を連れてイギリス旅行やホームステイ受け入れをしてまいりました。風光明媚なコッツウォルズの村で油絵制作やスケッチをし、主人池田竜太郎とともにロンドンなども案内いたします。お子さんは現地小学校に短期留学、生きた英会話とイギリス人との交流ができます。興味のあるかたは教室HPをご覧ください。教室HP 英国ツアー詳細


池田 賢子(いけだ さとこ)Satoko Ikeda

Be myself in scenery ...

When I’m painting and looking at scenery and nature, I feel the strength of existence. When I’m drawing, feeling the colour of beauty and the profoundness of air, I feel as if my world is being greatly improved and enhanced by the natural world. I believe that nature is essential for humans to have a beautiful mind. I always approach the natural world with a sincere and great respect. Through my work, I have learnt to communicate with objects, love them deeply, and change myself through contemplation of them. The two years I spent painting in Spain have had a profound impact on the work I have produced in Japan. I am more sensitive to the beauty of the unique moist and soft light of Japan's wood culture. I treasure the warmth of the landscape and my mind finds peace in contemplating it. I want my works to generate this feeling of peace in those who view it. I would like them to feel as if they are actually in the landscape.